I have decided to continue blogging but since this blog was my personal journal for the 2007 Grand Slam I started another one.
You can find it at http://www.roosterruns.blogspot.com/
I want to thank all of you for following, commenting and just reading. Blogging has been much more fun and more rewarding than I would have thought because it helped me think about how much ultra running truly crosses over into regular life. All the lessons and experiences we have on the trails can certainly parallel day to day life. All the challenges and rewards we work through and receive on forested paths on long hours of training have helped me in many more ways than I would have known before.
Take care and I will see you out there somewhere I am sure!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Recap & What's been happening

For finishing the SLAM we received this really neat eagle trophy, a shirt and a small pin. There were 11 people who made it through all four races but only two woman. I was pretty pumped to be done and the memories I have are so cool. For the last month I have been reminiscing about the entire process and all the good laughs we all had. It was a ton of work but really wasn't that hard. I think once I
had made the commitment to see it through in the best form I could it was a done deal. I went into the SLAM with a very specific plan on how I would approach all the races and for the most part I executed it exactly. There were things that came up along the way that changed but all for the better and I think I gave it my best effort. I learned a ton along the way about myself, my friends and just basic life stuff. Nothing earth shattering and not everything I learned was new; some of the things just affirmed what I had already thought but I took away some new lessons.
My SLAM plan was to train like crazy for WS100M as if it was the only race I was going to run all year and run that race as hard as I could. Once WS100M was over I planned to recover nicely and putz through Vermont 100M, using all the allowed time if necessary in order to save myself for Leadville. I wanted to go under 25 hours at Leadville because I knew I had a shot and I was planning on acclimating as much as I could. I know I don't do well at altitude and I knew I couldn't run well there without spending the time acclimating. I also knew I wouldn't be doing this every summer so I wanted to take full advantage of the opportunity. After Leadville I planned to just get through Wasatch. I knew the Wasatch course well and I also knew I would have 3 100M races on my legs so if I needed the 36 hours I was going to take it.
Everything was in place, I trained very hard for WS100M and I thought I had a really good chance of going under 23 hours there. Unfortunately the day did not go well from mile 30-72 and I battled stomach issues like never before. I did not take enough salt, in fact I took none, not unusual for me but with the increased intensity I was running and the fact that I don't like raspberry G2O cost me. I was lucky enough to get sick at mile 72 and release the beach ball in my stomach. From 72-100 I ran well enough to get under 24. My SLAM plan was not on course but since my WS100M performance was weak I recovered very fast. As Vermont approached I felt a ton of apprehension since I have never run a 100M race back to back and it was a fast course. I knew I could get under 30 hours but I felt the uneasiness of the unknowing. I had no big plans for Vermont except to soak up the environment and enjoy the day which meant my crew got a break from my normal craziness. The day turned out to be amazing and I slowed myself down all day wondering when the big truck was going to hit me. Walking on purpose to save myself from the unknown doom that I was sure was just around the corner was a very new move for me. I talked to the horseback riders, I goofed around in the aid stations and to top it off I refused to run for last 5 miles! I told Stacey I was saving myself for Leadville :). I was just thrilled to be under 24 hours and to do 21:36 was unbelievable. More perplexing was how good I felt as if I hadn't run any races before Vermont, even better was how fast I bounced back.
I was so stoked about Leadville and now that Vermont was over and I survived it eased my apprehension. I had more confidence about my 25 hour goal. Leadville went just as planned and I got under 25 hours but felt like I was running against the clock all day! With only 2 weeks at 10,000 feet the race I had was the best I could have done, I don't feel like I left anything on the trail. The lessons of the prior two hundreds were so valuable and all of the highs and lows of WS100M and Vermont100M were felt during Leadville. Since I ran Leadville with so much focus and effort I thought my recovery would be very slow and with Wasatch only 3 weeks away I was concerned about how hard race day might be. Fortunately I recovered even fast after Leadville than I did after WS and Vermont, all very surprising but welcomed.
Since Wasatch was the last one I had nothing to loose....leave it all on the trail. I chose to run the race without my heart rate monitor to police my effort. I figured the worst thing that could happen is I have to slow down and take more time. As the race unfolded I felt better and better. Again the lessons learned from the prior races came in to play from solving poor digestion to dealing with fatigued muscles.
I think the strategy I had going into the SLAM was a good one. The plan to run hard at two events and get through the other two gave me focus but also a release. Focus for two big events and just fun and easiness for the others. I believe there was an unconscious aspect that held me back on all the races that did not exist at Wasatch. Being in the moment at each event I would not have said this but now, after Wasatch I know there was always a little voice in my head saying, "your not done yet, don't blow it". Would I have done it differently, NO! The plan gave me better results than I could have ever dreamed up.
As I mentioned above I learned a few things this summer. First and foremost my family and friends gave and gave unselfishly all summer with nothing but huge smiles and lots of warmth. They were so amazing, pacing, traveling, laminating pace charts, preparing race foods, cleaning up after me, taking care of Alex, getting directions, bringing me things I forgot, checking on me while I was away, motivating me....the list just goes on and on. All summer I felt very lucky and blessed to be friends with such great people. I learned that these people are unique and special and I hope I am just as good to them.
Many people do the SLAM and everyone does it differently but for me to attempt this was a big deal. I have worked hard in the last 3 years to improve my running times and learn how to run a 100 race well but in reality I am just an average person and running 4 100 races in 12 weeks was huge for me and my family. Planning was a big deal figuring out how to continue to function as a family and still do this. I was reminded how communicating and planning can make or break a goal when it involves so many other people. Bill and I sat down months before WS to map out the whole SLAM and that was so valuable. When the time came calendars with trips and plans were guiding us to the next stop with no hiccups or surprises. All of this in turn gave me the opportunity to visualize what the summer would be like. Since I had no idea how my body would respond I prepared for the worst. I had time to think about recovery and what that would like, what would I eat and what things could I do to speed my recovery. I was lucky that Stacey is LMT so she would massage my legs right after my runs and then again the next day which made a huge difference. I took lots of immune booster vitamins, drank a ton of water, took a few ice baths, got 3 pedicures and tried to get a ton of sleep. Planning gave me the freedom to focus and enjoy the adventure...there is nothing like it :).
I felt like I got stronger with each race and who knows if I was getting physically stronger or simply mentally tougher. I definitely think I am physically stronger but the mental aspect of my races got much more of a workout. I have always considered myself somewhat mentally tough but I have my moments and can be very much a wimp. After WS100M I learned more about fueling than I could have imagined but more than that I learned the power of being in the moment. Taking stock in what is going on in my race at that very moment, not thinking so far ahead. Being mindful of how my body was responding to what I was putting in and the subsequent energy high and lows. I got to practice what it was like to run in pain. I thought I knew how to deal with discomfort but now I really know...Wasatch taught me that but because of my other races I had better coping skills. I learned how to shut out the noise in my head that is not useful and focus more internally on what's happening. With races being so close together I got to practice everything I did poorly in the prior races while it was still fresh in my mind. I can honestly say I don't think I repeated any of my mistakes because they were so fresh and I was mindful of them. In the past I think I have been pretty good at learning from my mistakes but this was rapid fire learning and generally when things are really fresh you don't forget :).
The biggest lesson I learned from the SLAM was the value of recovery. I have recovery runs and days off planned during training but not enough. I obviously perform better with more recovery because that's all I did this summer.....race & recover. I had no idea how fatigued I really was during training but with so much forced recovery I was itching to run. I couldn't wait to get back out there and milked all the running I was able to do in between events. There was no dragging my behind out the door and no lack luster workouts because I was so rested. Now the challenge will be to remember this lesson when it comes time to train again and I have to say this will be very hard for me.:).
For the last month I have been doing just a bit of running and a lot of weight training. With 8 weeks out of the weight room I was feeling nervous about getting back into it, sort of starting from scratch. I have lost a lot of muscle mass in my upper body but that might have been a good thing for my running. I think I lost a total of 4 pounds over the summer and I suspect half of it was muscle mass. Since I have been back the biggest weakness I noticed was my lower abdominals and back! They are really weak but the funny thing is I thought they were weak before....well now they are really weak! I have been running about 5 days a wee
k but nothing very taxing, lots of runs with friends just chatting and getting caught up. I am going to the gorge on Monday's and it's nice to be back. Trisha and I went for a 2 hour run up Angels Rest and around. I have also been doing 1 hour on the treadmill on a random hill setting and that has been fun.
Next year.......I sent in my application for WS100M and Micheal told me I have a problem :). He means this in a good way. I can't seem to let that race go and move on :). I think it's because I don't feel like I have never run it very well and once I get the feeling I had a good day there I will move on. As all of you know the chances of getting in are slim so I have lots of other things looming in my brain.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wasatch 100M!
230 starters and 160 finisher's
Time: 27:57:23
Place 26th of 160, 3rd female
Zero blisters and still have my toenails :)
On Thursday evening before bed I grabbed my book "Running Within" by Jerry Lynch and Warren Scott. I just opened the book to read a random section and was surprised to find the chapter on dealing with pain and fatigue staring back at me. I got a good chuckle and thought it couldn't get much more appropriate for my last race of the SLAM. It refreshed my memory but more importantly the information really sunk in my brain and I wondered if the techniques they suggested would really work during Wasatch on Saturday.
Friday morning I went for a 30 minute run with some strides before I picked up Bill, Alex, Stacey, Micheal and Andy at the airport. The run was awesome and I felt really revved up, probably one of my best pre-race shake down runs. It gave me confidence my body was ready to tackle the course and that I would at least make it through the race and could most likely break 30 hours. Friday was a fast and furious day with a race meeting, drop bags, eating dinner, getting to our room, driving to the start and getting to bed early.
Leaving Bountiful I let the fatigue I was feeling just be there and I refused to give in to it knowing that there was absolutely nothing I could do but continue to fuel and move. The more I ran the less fatigued I felt, probably because running gave me sens
e of acomplishment whereas just walking gave me far too much time to dwell. I thought about my recent read on pain and fatigue and it helped a lot! I just accepted it as part of the process and instead of feeling overwhelmed and discouraged I focused on being ahead of pace, 8th woman and finishing the SLAM. During the next 15 miles I worked hard and began to catch a lot people. There were a few miles when I felt on fire which really refreshing and I milked those moments like never before knowing I would have lower ones later. This is the race in which I got to experience the great highs and good lows, all the other SLAM races were uneventful in that manner.
Arriving at Big Mountain (mile 39.2) arou
nd 20 minutes ahead of plan was awesome! My pace chart was aggressive in the front half because in order for me to get under 30 hours I had to push from start to finish at my fitness level, not even taking into account the 3 100M races my legs were wearing. Coming into Big Mountain feeling good and with 20 minutes in the bank was fabulous. Alex was always my greeter at the aid station entrance, snapping pictures and saying, "Mom how do you feel?, you're doing great". Having him there so engaged and smiling really warmed my heart and made want to work harder. At Big Mountain I weighed in and was 2 pounds up, great.....not too far up. I spent a good 3 minutes getting all my stuff, conversing with my crew and left with my small Nathan Pack and two handhelds.
This section from Big Mountain to Lamb's Canyon is always hot. It's in the heat of day in an exposed area and we lose a lot of elevation. You would think this would be a great section to really tear it up. The trail lacks the normal amount of rocks, is not full of steep climbs and if you have it together it's runnable. I knew I had to stay focused an run every step I could to make my splits but about 5 minutes after leaving my crew I started to feel nauseous, yikes! My brain was working over time trying to troubleshoot the issue: My weight was fine....I have been eating but not over eating.....I have been drinking a good combination of G2O and water.....I h
ave been religious about electrolytes....this is the same feeling I had at mile 40 at WS, I NEED MORE SALT! I downed 4 salt tablets then waited for about 20 minutes then downed a 4X sodium Gel and drank G2O all the way to Alexander Springs (mile 47.3), I arrived 2 minutes off my section split. I felt like I need to pee so I pulled over and all that came out was a bit of urine and blood....that's not good, I am dehydrated! Wow, that came on fast. I didn't panic because I remember Scott telling me I if that ever happened to just pound the fluids and it will be fine, it's just the bladder walls rubbing together because it's too empty. Okay, little voice in my head......I will do as you say. At the aid station I drank one cup of water, one cup of Sprite and left with two full bottles of water. Within about 20 minutes I started feeling a bit better and the sensation to pee when I couldn't went away....sheeeeeeshh....dodged a bullet there. I picked up the pace in the this hot open section and made my way to Lamb's (mile 53) arriving 22 minutes ahead of pace.
At Lamb's Bill joined the crew after he finished the Mid Mountain Marathon in Park City and it was nice to see him but he looked concern
ed when I discussed my issues. I knew I was back on track with my hydration but when I weighed in at Lamb's I was down 3 pounds, come on........! I ignored the scale and filled my crew in on my situation as we made our way across the road. I took a moment here to pull myself together, get some soup and noodles in, drink some hydrate and a Red Bull. I knew what was ahead of me and I have never arrived at Upper Big Water (mile 61.5) with my stomach and because of that I would bomb from there to Brighton (mile 74) which is such a waist because it's a good section of running with gradual climbs on superb trail. I told them I was better but I had to keep it together on this next section....I WANTED TO COME INTO UBW (mile 61.5) WITH MY STOMACH!
Stacey paced me from Lamb's up and over to Upper Big Water. She of course pushed me hard and forced me to run some of the ups. I was working hard but was conscience of my gut, checking in by feeling my stomach to see if it was hard, puffed out or sunken in. This is a good way for me to tell how things are moving in there. At this point I am 7th female but the leaders are way ahead, I knew there was a lot race left and I always plan to put more work in the back half but 7th was a great place for me and I wasn't worried about that, just 30 hours. We booked it to the top of Lamb's and started out descent with plenty of daylight left. That's a good sign for a 30 hour finish at Wasatch. We got down in a good time but I wasn't flying. At the bottom we pop onto the paved road from hell, it goes for at least 3 miles and has one of those nagging uphill grades where you want to walk but you should run. I ran about 90% of the road which is great for me but I had to stay extremely focused and battle with my brain telling me to walk. It began to get dark here so even though I wasn't cold I put on my long sleeve shirt for preventative reasons. At Wasatch a lot people get hypothermia and when they finally realize they are cold it's too late, they are frozen and it can take hours for them to get warm. This preventative action was a smart move on my part because Upper Big Water is very cold and when I arrived everyone was dressed like they were going cross country skiing.
Stacey and I held pace on the Lamb's section and I knew that was a feat because for some reason I seem to always do well on that split so it was aggressive in the first place. Holding the pace there was good enough for me but the best part is: I ARRIVED AT UPW WITH MY STOMACH! I was psyched, it was first time and therefore only good things were going to happen.
Micheal and I left UPW fast and we moved like the wind in this section passing a couple more people on the trail but many more inside the aid station. Micheal worked me hard and I complied. I was breathing very hard so I knew we were making good time. The night time weather was awesome, not a cloud in the sky and tons of stars as far as the eye could see. I took all my clothes with me knowing we were heading back up to 9800 feet on an open ridge where the wind can be fierce and cold but for now all I needed were shorts and two long sleeve shirts. I did put on my beanie hat for about a half and hour but then it was too warm. We made it up to Desolation Lake (66.8) shaving another 10 minutes off my plan, YES! A quick refill on my water tank, some broth, a half a banana and we were out of there. The next section up to Scott's Peak is some of my favorite trail but as you travel along the Wasatch Crest Trail you can see the Scott's Peak (mile 70.6) aid station from 3 miles and it can get you excited just to be discouraged when it never arrives. Having this information helps! I saw it and just giggled to myself. From UPW (mile 61.5) to Scott's Peak (mile 70.6) we climb over 3000 feet then we descend down 1700 feet into Brighten Lodge (mile 74). Again we made good time to Scott's Peak taking another 5 minutes off my pace chart putting me 33 minutes ahead.
I needed nothing at Scott's Peak so we were off to Brighton and I was on top of the world maintaining my stomach with gels every 20 to 30 minutes, some banana, broth and ton of water to keep the concentration level under 10%. After Scott's Peak we travel down a two track road that is less than smooth but with Micheal 10 feet in front of me guiding me to path of least resistance we were moving and passing people. We reached the paved road fast and I just knew were were going gain time. Once on the 3 mile paved road we really pushed and I had my music on very load keeping a close eye on Micheal and any ques he gave for oncoming traffic. Lots of runners were not doing well down this steep paved road and I felt for them because I have been one of them and knowing what's ahead and not feeling well coming into Brighton (mile 74) is awful. I call Brighton Lodge the Wasatch Vortex, it sucks you in and you don't get out alive if you give into the warm comforts of the lodge. On my crew card I wrote a big note saying "GET ME OUT OF THAT LODGE". Stacey decided to set up my stuff outside even though you have to go in to check in/out and get weighed. We came into Brighton making up 13 minutes on my split from Scott's Peak (mile 70.6) to (74.0), just crazy running and that put me at 45 minutes up on my 29:18 plan. I dumped my pack for Stacey to re-stock while I hustled into to lodge for weighing. I walked in and Bill sees me and says, "what are you doing here"? I said, "Hi honey, surprised to see me"? He looked shocked and ran out the door as I jumped on the scale. My weight read 125 and they said good job. With a perplexed look on my face I said, "189 out"! 125 is 12 pounds up, and I knew it wasn't right but the fact that they said good job was just crazy but I wasn't about to hang around and discuss, I knew it was wrong.
I was on fire here and couldn't wait to do the last 25 miles, I knew it was a grueling 25 miles and takes runners with my fitness about 9 hours to complete. I got my stuff and Micheal and I are off for the big climb to Point Supreme, the high point of the course at 10,300. I have never left Brighton feeling this good and so alive. This just gave me endless amounts of confidence, kept me focused and helped me deal with any pain or fatigue I was experiencing. I had been pretty good at ignoring all the soreness in my legs but after a short discussion with Micheal I decided to take an Aleve right after we left the Scott's Peak (mile 70.6) aid station to take the edge off. I was worried it might mess with now happy stomach and was apprehensive but it ended up being fine.
Just as I was putting my pack on I see what I think is a woman leaving the lodge to begin the climb, this spurred me on and Micheal and I ran/walked as much as I could passing her within 5 minutes of leaving. I continued on strong, leap frogging with another guy and his pacer all the way up to Point Supreme where they left me in the dust on the very steep and rugged downhill. My legs lacked any static contraction to help me scoot down this stuff. I need to see video of the lead runners going down this, it just doesn't seem possible but they must be flying down it. Micheal tried to help me with advice but my legs were just shaky and I was laughing at my clumsiness. This downhill is full of scree like shale and there is no stable place to put your foot let alone run and stay up right. I slid and slipped all the way down this 2.5 mile monster knowing this is just the beginning on some amazing trails. I was giving myself a talk, "pull it together girl...get your legs under you or this will be a long night". The talk helped and once we made it out of the scree trail and onto to anything that had dirt I moved well.
Finally at Ant Knolls (mile 80.1) and making up another 15 minutes on my predicted split now giving me a finish time of 28:14 if I can hold on. Besides the normal....I have run 80 miles stuff....I felt really good continueing to eat every 30 minutes, drinking plenty of fluids and taking more salt than I ever had before. The 4X sodium gels work really well for me but I was also taking in broth at aid stations and a couple of salt tabs. From Ant Knolls to Pole Line Pass (mile 83.2) is 3.2 miles of awesome running. The trail winds through the high Aspen groves and is actually not too rocky or hilly in comparison. We ran this hard catching the two guys that dusted my on the scree drop. They worked hard to keep up with us but after about 1 miles they let us go. Coming into Pole Line Pass (83.2) I hear a girl say, "174 out". I tap Micheal on the shoulder and we are quiet coming in whispering, "189 in". We have a drop bag here so we quickly re-supply which takes about 2.5 minutes and we leave on the hunt. I don't know why but I felt so eager to catch a girl, not how I normally run 100M races but at this moment I felt like I had enough in me to play the race game. Micheal could tell I felt like hunting so we took off for the pursuit.
This section to Rock Springs is along a ridgeline and mostly downhill. I crank up my headphones and we are cookin down the trail. About 10 minutes later I see lights in the distance as they bounce through the Aspen's and I tell Micheal if we pass we need to be sure I can hold it so if we need to hang back until I am ready then let's do so. Yeah right! We come up on them and try to go in cognito but they flash their lights on my number and boom we are racing. OMG, this is hard, playing trail poker....can I hold this...they are chasing me. Then all of the sudden another set of lights but they were moving really slow, again we pass in disquise and it's another gal but she is not doing well and just lets me by. I ask Micheal if we gapped the two woman yet because I am about to go red line here and see just says, "keep running, not yet". I don't know if I can hold them off on the climbs but he doesn't care, he just say's, "keep pushing". Now it's been 15 minutes of this sprint and we are approaching more lights. We are coming up on them fast and stealth and with our same plan of trying to pass in disquise we are busted when Susan Brozic says, "Ronda is that you?" Yes, I reply. We continue running for our lives all the way to Rock Springs (mile 87.2). No one light in sight behind us but we waist no time re-fueling and I ask the aid station captain what's next and he say's "The Grunt, The Plunge and The Dive". Hello.......that's just not right, I had forgotten all three of those treats came in the next 5.7 miles.
Right after the aid station we begin The Grunt which is a very steep uphill that left me grunting for sure. We can hear voices behind us, one guy and one girl. Micheal is still making me work hard and I think I must have asked him 100 times who it is and all he says is, "move it"! The Dive and The Plunge are just that....a steep dive down and then another plunge downhill both on slipping scree. I struggled here, I couldn't get me feet to stay under me no matter what I tried, my legs just didn't have the strength to hold the static contraction. Quivering like crazy I tried to stay focused and get down it upright and in one piece. I am sure I used some choice words while Micheal just stood about 20 feet ahead of me with his light guiding my feet. The rest of this 5.7 mile section is no better, it was the gift that just kept giving and the voices behind us would close in on the downhill scree but when we got to a climb or and roller we would lose them. This went on all the way to Pot Bottom (mile 93.0) until a guy passed us but no woman. We lost 10 minutes on this section alone so it was good thing we had done well prior. At this point I was 1:24 minutes ahead of my 29:18 pace chart, 30 hours was a done deal but could I hold 3rd place?
Micheal ran ahead into Pot Bottom, grabbed our drop bags, unloaded all the extra clothing we had for the night and I stuffed my pack in and took just one hand held and gels. We had 6.9 miles to go with a gradual climb, a very rocky downhill road, a blazing fast single track and then 1 mile of paved road to the finish. I was feeling kind of out of it when we left the aid station. I was tired and low on energy so I drank some Coke, ate a 4X sodium double caffiene gel.....how's that for a fully loaded food item! I tried to get my legs moving by shuffling and trying to run which helped a lot. My quads were so sore, tired, a bit swollen and my feet felt bruised. I blocked all of this because sometimes at the end of a race I tend to sit back and take it in, thinking about all my pain but again my Thursday night reading helped get my mind back on task.....keep that girl off my tail. It was fully light out by now so I could see behind me and there was no one. Micheal and I are climbing the road and he says, "Hey there's a moose"! Sure enough down below in a meadow is a male moose with a huge rack.....pretty cool!
We see a runner and pacer ahead so we try to catch them on the rocky road which was killing my seemingly bruised feet. As we approach they pick up the pace and I can't hold it but I didn't give up knowing we were almost to the nice easy single track. We come to a junction with the road continuing on the right and a trail on the left, which way? No markers were in sight but the guys continued on down the road but I knew it wasn't right. Micheal ran down the road looking for markers while I went down the single track looking, nothing. I hike back up and Micheal yells for me to come down and I do but I just know it's not right. We start running down the road more and still no markers. I see a neighborhood appearing and this road is going to dump us right into it's streets. I stop and insist we are not going the right way and just as we were walking up the hill here com
es another runner and we tell him we need to take the trail instead. We scramble back up in a panic and I just skirt across the field and bump right into the trail. Micheal says, "should we take it"? I respond as I am tearing down it.....YES! All the while I have two things going on in my head, will I make it under 28 hours and did that other woman get through before we realized our error? I am focused and Micheal is worried but I know we are on the right path when finally we see markers....all is good. I am filled with emotions, giggling out loud and causing Micheal to turn around and look at me strange. I am laughing and crying at the same time, I am just so excited to be done and finishing strong. I can't believe all the support and help I have received.....all these emotions were bubbling up as we crested the hill which leads us to the finish line. Screaming the whole way through the field to finish line where we are greeted by Bill, Alex and Stacey all just as emotional. Not to mention the director of the SLAM and the Wasatch 100M RD giving me hugs and concrats on a job well done.

After we showered and rested we headed back to the finish line to find our friend Andy Kumeda. We kept a close eye on where he was and it was going to be close for him to make the 36 hour cutoff. We had lunch at the Blue Boar Inn while we watched runners finishing between 34-36 hours and Stacey and I were struck by their grit and determination, we have been there and it's way harder! These folks are really tough and they define it for me, sticking it out in the hot sun on day two, so determined to make the finish. Since I have been there I was getting pretty chocked up as we cheered them on knowing all they had been through and all they have accomplished makes my 27:57 look easy. Hats off folks!
BTW - Andy sprinted to the finish with 2 minutes to spare! We were stoked!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
2 days to go, Yeah!
Today I headed back to same area and explored some other trails. I only had 1 hour of easy exercise so I didn't get very far but thought I might as well take advantage of the thin air since it is so close. I was really cold on the ridge this morning so it reminded me that I will for sure need tights from dusk to dawn on this course. Once home I immediately made sure I had them ready from Upper Big Water. I figured if it's cold in at 10 a.m. it's going to be freezing at 2 a.m. The forecasted weather for race day is perfect and if it's accurate it will awesome. I have been so lucky thus far with the weather, a cool WS100, a non-humid Vermont, a perfectly clear day at Leadville. I will keep my fingers crossed for a dry Wasatch.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Mile 75 from Mile 35 - Not so far away!
I was wondering if any of the acclimation I had from the Leadville training would still be in my body when I arrived in Utah on Saturday. They say it all goes away after 14 days at sea level. I spent one week after Leadville between 3000-6000 but after that it was 400 feet. I am at 7,800 feet right now and I think I might still have some additional red blood cells to draw from. Yesterday (Sat.) I ran for 90 minutes mostly in 3A , 20 min. in 3B and it wasn't bad. Today I had 2.5 hours of training time and went running between 8,000 and 8,600, I could feel it just a bit but not nearly as bad as normal. The true test is a sprint up the stairs, do I see stars, is my breathing very labored at the top, do the legs feel heavy? Those are the questions I asked myself as I did the test sprint and though I did feel heavy lungs there were no stars and the legs were just a bit heavy.
While I was running this morning I saw a ton of moose prints so I kept a sharp eye out but nothing, only hunters. These hunte
rs (at least that's what I think they were) were dressed in camouflage clothes, carrying backpacks and some sort of weapon that looked like a bow and arrow only much more serious. They were pleasant and looked happy to be coming out of the woods, I wondered if they were hunting moose? As I was driving up East Canyon I noticed the signs that said "No Dogs". I have seen these signs all over the course from miles 35 to 70. All the canyon areas don't allow dogs because it's a watershed. It seemed strange to me because of the abundant number of people and wildlife that roam the areas, no dogs in such a large amount of wilderness is different.
As I was making my way through my last training run of the season I was thinking about the Wasatch course and all the things I will encounter. The Wasatch is by far the most rugged and challenging of the SLAM courses and a couple of things this race will offer is one, a second sunrise and two technical downhills. So far I haven't seen a second sunrise while doing the SLAM. I came close at Leadville but managed to be asleep before the sun rose but not here, I will for sure see the next day and will be well into the second morning before I am done. More caffeine....that's how I will combat the desire to sleep :). I think being awake that long is tough and all the folks that do this regularly are very tough! It gets pretty warm here very fast, at least that's what I remember from running this course before. As you head into the finish you loose elevation and the heat starts to set in feeling doubly warm after the freezing temperatures of the prior night.
The other thing Wasatch is going to bring is the relentless technical downhills. Gone are the nice gradual freeway trails of WS100 and Leadville and there is only about 3 miles of road on this course. The rocks on the Wasatch course are the kind that follow you down the trail when your foot rolls off them. They're small and unattached to the ground, they blend into the dirt because they are the same color and you cannot avoid them. My technical running is not what it has been in the past. To run well on technical steep trails takes lots of practice and if you plan on being good at these types of descents in the late stages of your race it requires great quad strength. I think quad confidence is the most important skill/strength a good technical downhill runner can have. What I mean by this is at mile 75 when you know in your mind that your quads will hold or support your stride when taking the downhills strong. Every step needs to be an unconscious art of falling without falling and that means your quads have to hold. If you hesitate to think about your steps when your legs are tired it's mostly because you don't have the confidence your legs will hold on the fast turnover required on a steep downhill. Being light on your feet and barely touching down is also a learned skill but if you don't have the quad strength your light, efficient stride will not be enough. The technical aspects of Wasatch will be very challenging because I have not practiced any technical downhill running this year. Do I have the quad strength necessary for the last 25 miles of this course....I don't know. I figure by the time I get to mile 75 I will have had a good 20 hours of practice. :)
I have been very lucky with my feet thus far in the SLAM. No blisters, no taping, no changing shoes or socks, not even a re-tire of laces. Will I get to continue my steak with my feet?????? Wasatch will be a real test! Stacey did this course in 2005 and had zero blisters and no problems with her feet so I am going to remember that as my legs and feet twist and turn with all terrain.
I am excited!!! I can't wait for Friday to pick up Bill, Alex, Stacey, Micheal and Andy. Andy and I will be running Wasatch while Bill runs the Mid-Mountain Marathon and Stacey, Micheal and Alex crew. Stacey will be tapering for AC100M so she will only be running with me from mile 55 to 62 and Micheal will be stuck with me from 62 to the finish.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Home sweet home!
After exactly 1 month away from home it was nothing but a true pleasure to see our driveway. Living in the trailer for 3 weeks was not as bad as I originally thought it would be but I was thankful to drive home and put it away. Bill, Alex and I spent one week driving from Leadville, CO to Tigard, OR and for three days right after the race we stayed in Moab, UT to explore the Arches National Park and the Canyonlands. It was incredibly hot ranging from 100-105 degrees which was a shocker compared to the 70's we experienced in CO. Since this was Bill's first full two weeks of vacation in 14 years he had lots of plans for us which included hiking in the heat! I am definitely NOT heat trained and felt pretty drained all three days when the sun set. I am sure the race had quite a bit to do with my sluggish finish to each day but nonetheless I was tired. I think the hiking was a great way to get the legs and body moving again. The heat was just an added benefit to be sure I sweat out all the junk from the race. The Arches and Canyonlands are amazing and neat to see but I am definitely more of a mountain person, the desert wasn't that exciting but the miracle of that landscape is unbelievable. I think the highlight was seeing dinosaur bones in the rocks, it just blew my mind. The Canyonlands were cool but the Grand Canyon in much more amazing to me.
When we got home there was no rest as we unloaded, unpacked and began getting Alex ready for school. I can't believe summer is almost over and neither can he as the shock of school sets in.
With Wasatch only 10 days away I am almost packed and ready to go. I have to admit I am looking forward to being on my favorite course and I am ready. I thought my recovery after Vermont was fast and I purposely saved myself at that event to run well at Leadville. I felt like I put my best foot forward at Leadville but if I measure how fast I bounced back I would have to say I should have run harder.....easy to say sitting here now :). I don't know if I sub-consciously held some in the tank for Wasatch when my intention was to spend it all or if I am just simply learning how to recover better. I do think fueling during the event has a great impact on recovery, meaning if you mess up on your fueling during the race you will pay for it after. I really messed up my fueling during WS100M this year and it took a good 3 weeks for me to feel normal whereas both Vermont and Leadville my fueling was perfect and after both races I felt recovered within the week. I don't know if that's true but that is my theory for now :).
So far I have done just a bit of running. After the hiking in Arches and Cayonlands I came home and did a 2 hour run with some 3A but mostly Z2. That went very well and I was pleased with how the legs responded. I have done 3 45-60 min. recovery runs and today was a tempo run at M-Pace. My M-Pace is 7:26 and felt confident I would be able to reach those numbers. I met Stacey at Lief today we did a warm-up and then each did our own tempo, she is peaking for AC100M so she had many more m-pace miles than I and our paces are different so we were on our own. After mile 2 of M-Pace I felt sluggish, yikes! I waited for Stacey to come back around then tucked in behind her but she drug me like a tired dog but it was nice to try and chase her, it made me go faster. After I was done with my tempo I just cruised while she finished up. All in all it was good but not as easy as it was before WS100M. With all this race and recover I feel like I have become a bit lazy, not a word I would ever use to describe myself but I have found my inner couch potato....I don't lay on the couch but you know what I mean. I have sort of lost my appetite too and that's a first! Maybe since I am just recovering I don't need to eat as much but I am finding it hard to eat all the food to get 2000 calories in, normally I have to stop myself from eating to much food.
I am almost packed and ready to go to Utah. Tomorrow I will run a stride workout then finish up preparing for the race. When I get to Utah I have my last big run of 2.5 hours then all the rest are short and fast stuff. Crazy to think the SLAM is almost over but it is and what a wild ride so far. I am hoping to get the turquoise buckle (under 30 hours) at Wasatch but I just can't seem to convince myself it's going to happen. Good thing my crew is in charge because they seem to have no doubt. If I do achieve that then I will be pumped with the whole SLAM, under 24 at WS, under 24 at Vermont, under 25 at Leadville, and (fingers crossed) under 30 at Wasatch. For me, achieving that would be a sweet summer!
When we got home there was no rest as we unloaded, unpacked and began getting Alex ready for school. I can't believe summer is almost over and neither can he as the shock of school sets in.
With Wasatch only 10 days away I am almost packed and ready to go. I have to admit I am looking forward to being on my favorite course and I am ready. I thought my recovery after Vermont was fast and I purposely saved myself at that event to run well at Leadville. I felt like I put my best foot forward at Leadville but if I measure how fast I bounced back I would have to say I should have run harder.....easy to say sitting here now :). I don't know if I sub-consciously held some in the tank for Wasatch when my intention was to spend it all or if I am just simply learning how to recover better. I do think fueling during the event has a great impact on recovery, meaning if you mess up on your fueling during the race you will pay for it after. I really messed up my fueling during WS100M this year and it took a good 3 weeks for me to feel normal whereas both Vermont and Leadville my fueling was perfect and after both races I felt recovered within the week. I don't know if that's true but that is my theory for now :).
So far I have done just a bit of running. After the hiking in Arches and Cayonlands I came home and did a 2 hour run with some 3A but mostly Z2. That went very well and I was pleased with how the legs responded. I have done 3 45-60 min. recovery runs and today was a tempo run at M-Pace. My M-Pace is 7:26 and felt confident I would be able to reach those numbers. I met Stacey at Lief today we did a warm-up and then each did our own tempo, she is peaking for AC100M so she had many more m-pace miles than I and our paces are different so we were on our own. After mile 2 of M-Pace I felt sluggish, yikes! I waited for Stacey to come back around then tucked in behind her but she drug me like a tired dog but it was nice to try and chase her, it made me go faster. After I was done with my tempo I just cruised while she finished up. All in all it was good but not as easy as it was before WS100M. With all this race and recover I feel like I have become a bit lazy, not a word I would ever use to describe myself but I have found my inner couch potato....I don't lay on the couch but you know what I mean. I have sort of lost my appetite too and that's a first! Maybe since I am just recovering I don't need to eat as much but I am finding it hard to eat all the food to get 2000 calories in, normally I have to stop myself from eating to much food.
I am almost packed and ready to go to Utah. Tomorrow I will run a stride workout then finish up preparing for the race. When I get to Utah I have my last big run of 2.5 hours then all the rest are short and fast stuff. Crazy to think the SLAM is almost over but it is and what a wild ride so far. I am hoping to get the turquoise buckle (under 30 hours) at Wasatch but I just can't seem to convince myself it's going to happen. Good thing my crew is in charge because they seem to have no doubt. If I do achieve that then I will be pumped with the whole SLAM, under 24 at WS, under 24 at Vermont, under 25 at Leadville, and (fingers crossed) under 30 at Wasatch. For me, achieving that would be a sweet summer!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Leadville 100M
Look at the loot they give you for finishing Leadville! I received a silver pan for 3rd masters, a pendant because I am a girl, a sweatshirt with my name and time printed on the sleeve and the gold and silver 25 hr buckle and a finishers medal (not shown). Since this was the 25th anniversary of the race they allowed 600 runners to register but only 498 started. With numbers like that and an out and back course that meant the aid stations and trails were going to be busy. With that in mind and my eye on the 25 hour prize we came up with a plan to minimize time in the main aid stations and use the other crew access points. If I was going to get under 25 hours at Leadville with only 70% acclimation I was going to have to run a really good race and hope that I would be free of any big issues, I simply didn't have enough time for anything but running.
This race is a must do, with beautiful country and great race support from everyone in the community. The town of Leadville is charming and fun to hang around and learn the history of the area and it's residents. Stacey, Micheal and Jim all want to do the race so I will be working hard in the weight room because I am sure they will load me down with lots of gear as payback. Bill awarded Jim the "golden burro" cup for being the biggest pack mule in the crowd.
Time: 24:16:26
Overall: 43 of 210 finishers
6th female, 3rd masters
With a week of bad weather prior to the race I was prepared to be wet all day long. Not a big deal for an Oregonian but with temperatures getting as low as 34 degrees being wet and cold would spell disaster, the goal would be to stay as dry as possible. My crew showed up on Thursday afternoon with piles of clothes and gear ready for anything that came up. We immediately got busy planning as the afternoon rain created small swimming pools around camp and Bill was busy securing the tent and awnings because with the rain came big winds. Yikes!, was the only word that came to my mind but Stacey, Micheal and Jim just laughed it off as we counted the number of gloves, shirts and jackets I had.
The morning came quickly with the 4:00 a.m. start. It was cold but when I looked outside and saw the abundant amount of stars I was relieved, the rain was gone for now. I ate a bagel with cream cheese, a yo
gurt, had a small amount of coffee and 20 oz of G2O. The start line was buzzing with hundreds of people, it made WS100M look tame as the music howled through the tiny city. Residents were out in their yards waiting for runners to come by so they could cheer them on before their last night cap :). The one thing the Grand Slam has cured me of is pre-race jitters, doing one right after another doesn't leave much time for jitters. I lined up in the top 3rd of the crowd knowing that we had 3M of road to get somewhat settled and I wouldn't be anybodys way. By the time we hit the lake trail we should all be in the train we are comfortable with and if not, passing would be a big effort. The race director gave us one more motivational line before the gun went off, "Remember, you are better than you think you are and can do more than you think you can"........very nice words and good ones to remember in the wee hours of the night.
Off we went and all downhill like bullets for 4 miles, hundreds of lights in front and behind me. I settled into a nice pace and reached the 4 mile mark in 9:30's and just kept up the pace because I knew we would be slowed by the the technical powerline road that climbs to the lake trail. I was carrying one handheld with 2 gels stuffed in the pouch because my crew would be at the Tabor Boat ramp at mile 7.0. There they would send me off with another full handheld and more gels for another 6.5 miles around the lake. The G2O seemed so sweet as I sipped it slowly, I was full from breakfast and probably still a bit asleep. When I reached Tabor I was in a good train of people and was shocked at the number of cars and crew there. I just dropped my used bottle on the ground and grabbed the new one on my way by. Hmmmm....this would be scene pretty much all day.....thanks guys.......bye guys. I could hear Stacey giggling as I left the boat ramp. Continuing on the lake trail I was in a good spot with only about 5 people and nobody close behind or in front, strange with all the entrants. I arrived at Mayqueen (13.5M) about 20 minutes ahead of schedule and feeling very comfortable. At Mayqueen I see Alex and my in laws who were there to give me a new bottle and a bar. I gave them my flashligh
t and was off to do the first big climb of the day. After Mayqueen we head uphill on a paved road then take a turn onto the Colorado Trail leading to Haggerman Pass Road. This 1.5 mile section of the Colorado Trail is very rocky and reminds me of stream bed without the water. At the top of the Colorado I see Beast and Amy who are waiting for me with my small Nathan pack and two handhelds for the climb up and over Sugarloaf Mtn. and down Powerline road. My plan is to start working here and I run the entire road up to the turn for the bigger climb and run all of that as well. I am being chased by a couple of girls and that is a little fun so we chat, run, pass back and forth for 8 miles down to Powerline Road where Beast and Amy again are waiting to take all my stuff so I can run with nothing for 1.2 miles into Fish Hatchery where I see Bill, Stacey, Micheal and Jim. I go right through the aid station and back onto the paved road that I will run for 4.5 miles to Treeline. The runners share this road with the crew cars so it's really motivating and fun to see all the crews and hear all the h
onking. I run this section hard and lose my two girls. I am feeling pretty good at this point which is about 25 miles into the race. The only thing that seems new is all my foods taste weird. Salty stuff tastes super salty, sweet stuff tastes overly sweet and G2O tastes terrible, I can't drink it anymore. I love G2O and I use it not only for the calories but the salt so if I am not going to drink it I will need to substitute.
At Treeline (27.5M) I am about 40 minutes ahead of my 24:59:26 pace chart but I am not over confident because the hardest parts are yet to come. No more going light, I hav
e to put on my bladder pack for this next section over to Halfmoon then Twin Lakes (mile 39.5). I will need at least 50 oz of water to get from Halfmoon to Twin Lakes. If I go with less water and maintain my calorie requirements I will be at more than a 10% concentration level of carbs to water and risk nausea. I could cut back on my calories but would rather carry the weight. Since Leadville 100M allows muling I will be carrying nothing on the way back so off I go with heavy pack. The runners travel on a gravel road for 2.5 miles before we pop into Halfmoon then back out on the road for another 2.5 miles to the trail junction. There is a ton of road at Leadville and if you want 25 hours you have to run the roads well and focused so I tried to keep that in my mind the whole time.
In this section to Twin Lakes it was surprisingly lonely. Again I was shocked at how few people were on the trail a
s I counted only 5 guys the entire 9 miles to twin lakes......where is everyone? This is a nice section of single track but long and the high point is 10,200. When you reach the high point you start a gradual descent into Twin Lakes. I got into a nice groove and was happy I was able to maintain my lead as I headed out for the first trip over Hope Pass. At Twin Lakes I chose to keep the bladder pack so I could have enough room to carry my coat and my hat. The looming clouds over Hope Mountain had me concerned. After we leave Twin Lakes the runners travel through a marshy area for about 1 mile before crossing the river. I did not do this in training so Beast was just sure I was going be soaked to bone and fall in the river so off he runs ahead of me with his camera just waiting for moment I was upside down in the marsh. With the weeks of rain the marshy area had become more like a series of small ponds that we needed to wade through and all of them came up to my knee. If you don't like wet feet your in trouble.
The river crossing was about mid thigh on me and they had a rope and volunteers to aid us across. I told Beast I was just too stubborn to fall in! He ran all this way and got himself soaked for nothing.....I wasn't going to fall no matter what! After the river the climb to Hope Pass begins and so does the thunder, rain and hail. I pull out my coat and hat and settle in for the long climb. I feel really slow and can't seem to get the umfffff I wanted to power this climb. The rain and hail didn't help but it was not big deal as it would stop and start the whole way up. I consume all the gels I could find in my pack and wonder if my crew forgot some. Fortunately I had a hummus burrito and an Organic Food Bar so I nibbled on those but without the quick energy gels I wasn't feeling on fire. I lost about 20 minutes on my lead on the climb alone and was a bit down in dumps. I didn't allow for enough time for the swamp and I couldn't make anything up on the climb so I tried to get my legs going on the steep descent into Winfield. This section is very rocky and too steep for me to let it rip and I found myself putzing down it. At the bottom we are again on a dirt road that is shared with crews heading into Winfield. The road rolls up mostly and is about 2.3 miles long. I am out of fuel but continue to drink my water and take salt tabs. I reach Winfield in 11:13 and my plan was 11:39 so still ahead of schedule but I lost some time and I knew the climb back up Hope was not going to be swift.
At Winfield I pick up Jim and he is loaded down with all my stuff. This becomes the big joke of the my race.....all my pacers are loaded down with water, gels, food, clothes and my "magic hat". The hat gets the funny name because I have to wear my glasses to run any bit of rain on them makes it hard to see so every drop of rain that comes down I ask for the hat then in about 30 seconds I hand it back. Every time I switch pacers I say, "do you guys have my hat"?, "yes......we have the magic hat". Back to the race, Jim and I take off and I put on my music and bust down the road back to the Hope Pass Trail Head. I feel really good as we work our way up the mountain seeing all the people behind me make their way down. It was fun to see everyone I knew and cheer them on as they raced to beat cutoffs. I see some slam mates and they say their done but we encourage them to continue and many stuck it out as long as they could. It was hard to see folks struggling and I felt for them because it's not easy k
nowing you have to come back up to 12,700! I feel the altitude and don't waste any breath talking when Jim and I get above 11,500, I just needed to focus on strong breaths. Jim was awesome feeding me gels every 30 minutes and water every 10 minutes on the dot! The pass was beautiful and clear with no rain, just blue sky and great views. We crest the top and start the descent. We can see the Hopeless aid station, their tents and lamas from the summit. I tell Jim we are within 5 minutes of Hopeless and since I feel super strong I tear off down the hill. When we reached Hopeless aid station I run past it without stopping, the plan was for me to run through all the aid stations unless I needed something so we began implementing. I blew by yelled my number and Jim re-supplied. I took the downhills as hard as could without falling and we made it down the river in 29:54! Across the river we go and through the swamp.
Arriving at the Twin Lakes (60.5M) 40 minutes ahead of my pace chart, making up the time I had lost on first trip up Hope Pass the mood was good all around. Though I have time in the bank I feel like I am running against the clock and I am so I waste no time. I leave Twin Lakes without stopping forcing Micheal to catch up with me after he got my magic hat from Jim. I know we have to climb for about an hour, at least that's what I estimate it will take to reach the high poin
t before we start our descent into Halfmoon. We hammer out the climb and make the top in 42 minutes but the trail is more rolling than I expected lacking the big downhill I dreamt up but we stay focused arriving at Halfmoon on time. With a quick in and out of the aid station we hear that Anton has won in 16:14, over an hour faster than last year but still short of the course record. We have 2.5 miles on a gravel road to reach Treeline, all downhill and fast. Into Treeline with still 35 minutes ahead of schedule I feel good living off of gels, water and some salt tabs but using 4X sodium gels for most of my electrolytes. I ate minimal solids after my first climb up Hope Pass, I am just not hungry but not full or nauseous. I gave up G2O early as it just didn't taste good but I am stuffing gels in every 20-30 minutes and drinking a ton of water. My weight is good along with my energy and stomach so this diet must be fine. Normally I eat more solids but I don't know if it's the altitude or what but nothing tastes very good.
At Treeline I pick up Stacey for 4.5 miles to Fish Hatchery and then the 1.2 miles to Powerline where we will see crew. This section is the flat paved road and I need to do it in less than a 13 minute pace on this slightly uphill road and that includes checking in and out of the Fish Hatchery. It seems so doable on paper but at mile 73 my legs are lacking the turnover. Stacey runs in front of me and I chase her as hard as I can so we can make the splits and have some room to spare. At Powerline (78M) I pick up Micheal and we head up what some describe as the worst climb of the course. Not because It's harder than Hope Pass but because it's steep, on a washed out powerline road and comes around mile 80 in the run. I counted 5 false summits during training so I knew what to expect which made it less annoying but not easier. The only part that made it great was around mile 85 when we reached the summit and the numerous amount of stars that shined in the sky and feeling of excitement I had to have such a great experience and feel so strong and supported, pretty much all the feelings of fatigue seemed to leave my body as Micheal and I tore down Poweline into Mayqueen.....I knew under 25 was in the bag......thank you mile 85!
Leaving Mayqueen with Jim we worked the lake trail well and we seemed to come into Tabor Boat Ramp fast. A lot of crews were waiting at Tabor and the crowd was pumped up which made my mood even better. From Tabor to the finish Micheal and I ran as hard as my legs would run. It's a long 7 miles of uphill dirt and paved road to finish. We played leap frog with two other runners the whole way and the three of us finished within seconds of each other.
At the finish I was surprised to see my hubby who was supposed to be pacing Tom and Beast who was supposed to be pacing Steve. Both timed out and were bummed but ready to come back. My in laws had gotten up and brought Alex, Tom got up and came down along with my crew so the greeting at the end was indescribable. The love and friendships I have had through this summer makes me so thankful, I truly would not want to do these without them. My crew was unbelievable, so focused and full of energy and never lost their sense of humor and at mile 90 we were laughing.
This race is a must do, with beautiful country and great race support from everyone in the community. The town of Leadville is charming and fun to hang around and learn the history of the area and it's residents. Stacey, Micheal and Jim all want to do the race so I will be working hard in the weight room because I am sure they will load me down with lots of gear as payback. Bill awarded Jim the "golden burro" cup for being the biggest pack mule in the crowd.
Physically I felt strong all day and was surprised at how much leg power I had for number 3. My feet did well with no blisters or lost toenails even with two trips through the swamp. When I took my socks off my feet looked like hamburger from all the silt but when they got cleaned up they were fine. I was never nauseous which surprised me because so many people talked about stomach issues with this race and it's altitude. This next turn around will only be 3 weeks but I feel good already. As my family and I make our way back to Portland we are in the Canyonlands and Arches hiking and seeing all the sights. Bill drug me on a 3 mile hike in 100 degree weather on Tuesday and I ran into someone from Leadville on the trail to the Delicate Arch.....small world, be sure you are nice :).
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The last bit of running before the race.
On Sunday Bill, Beast and I did the Leadville 10K. I took it really easy and just talked with folks and ran as much as could before my HR jumped into 3B. The run is on the Leadville 100M course and covers the first 3.1 miles and then you just turn around and head back. The first bit is all downhill which is nice for warming up the lungs. There were a lot of 100M runners doing this event and some raced it hard while others just relaxed. I did the latter and chatted with a lot people and that was fun. During my journey in the SLAM I have met so many new friends from everywhere, people I would have never had the opportunity to meet otherwise.
On Monday Beast and
Gavin (new friend) met at the Mt. Massive trail head and climbed to the top. Mt. Massive is the second highest peak in CO. They had a great time and the weather held up for them. It has been stormy, cloudy and rainy so they took a very early start to avoid any hindered views when they reached to summit. Gavin showed Beast another trail to the top so Bill couldn't resist and they headed out again on Tuesday for another climb up Mas
sive. Again the weather held and not only did they have great views they saw white
marmots......yes, white ones. None of us had ever seen a white one before and they let Bill get really close. The trail that Beast and Bill took was pretty steep but shorter than the one Beast did on Monday. The mountain climbers (Beast and Bill) have plans to do Elbert tomorrow and Sherman with the gang on Friday.
Monday I had the day off from running and the rest of us headed for a drive up and over Independence Pass into Aspen. The drive was beautiful and at the summit of the pass there is a lookout so we got out and enjoyed the views at 12,100 feet.
While Bill and Beast were on Massive I did my last run of any distance. I ran for 90 minutes with some good quality work in 3A and 3B and I was able to run the entire time! This was the first run I have done where I haven't needed to take walk breaks to stay in these zones. On my tempo run it was fine to be gasping near AT but this run was supposed to be consistent quality without gasping near AT. I was pleased to cover another 9.5 miles of the course from Sugarloafin to Mayqueen and I was even happier that I was able to run the whole time. With almost 3 weeks at some altitude I definitely will have a better race but I know the thin air will have a significant impact. I am excited and curious to see what that impact will be but I have some ideas. I think I will have to be very careful in first half to be sure I don't get myself in fueling mess and over fatigued. I wonder how my lungs will feel, all fun new things to experience and figure out.
Amy (Beast's daughter) arrived today and everyone headed to the mining museum. Tomorrow some of my best friends arrive, Stacey, Micheal, Jim, Steve and Tom. I am really looking forward to seeing them all, hanging out, laughing and doing Leadville. Bill is pacing Tom for some portion of the race, Beast is pacing Steve for some portion and Micheal, Stacey and Jim are going to make sure I keep moving!
P.S. - It just snowed in the mountains to the east. The mountains were clear as the thunder and rain his Leadville but then all of the sudden they are capped with the white stuff! Yeah....snow in August!

Monday I had the day off from running and the rest of us headed for a drive up and over Independence Pass into Aspen. The drive was beautiful and at the summit of the pass there is a lookout so we got out and enjoyed the views at 12,100 feet.
While Bill and Beast were on Massive I did my last run of any distance. I ran for 90 minutes with some good quality work in 3A and 3B and I was able to run the entire time! This was the first run I have done where I haven't needed to take walk breaks to stay in these zones. On my tempo run it was fine to be gasping near AT but this run was supposed to be consistent quality without gasping near AT. I was pleased to cover another 9.5 miles of the course from Sugarloafin to Mayqueen and I was even happier that I was able to run the whole time. With almost 3 weeks at some altitude I definitely will have a better race but I know the thin air will have a significant impact. I am excited and curious to see what that impact will be but I have some ideas. I think I will have to be very careful in first half to be sure I don't get myself in fueling mess and over fatigued. I wonder how my lungs will feel, all fun new things to experience and figure out.
Amy (Beast's daughter) arrived today and everyone headed to the mining museum. Tomorrow some of my best friends arrive, Stacey, Micheal, Jim, Steve and Tom. I am really looking forward to seeing them all, hanging out, laughing and doing Leadville. Bill is pacing Tom for some portion of the race, Beast is pacing Steve for some portion and Micheal, Stacey and Jim are going to make sure I keep moving!
P.S. - It just snowed in the mountains to the east. The mountains were clear as the thunder and rain his Leadville but then all of the sudden they are capped with the white stuff! Yeah....snow in August!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
HOPE!...Hope Pass that is, not so tempo run, Mt. Sherman summit
Prior to my tempo run we did the section from Twin Lakes aid station inbound. There is a pretty good climb out of that aid station all on single track trail and after coming off Hope Pass I suspect this climb will be pretty tough as will be getting dark as well. That run was only 70 minutes long and was an out and back. Along the way we ran past a teepee made out of logs with a live tree growing out of the center.
The day after the tempo run we headed to Hope Pass and did the outbound section. My family dropped us off and picked us up at Winfield but Beast decided to go back over to Twin Lakes. My legs could feel the tempo run so I gladly jumped in the car and we drove over to pick him up. The climb on the outbound section reminded me of the easier side of Dog Mountain only with less air. I was pretty tired from the tempo effort but we still made good time. The pass was very windy and cold and required gloves at the saddle and beyond. The views were awesome and we could see all the way into Leadville. I struggled for air at the 11,500 mark and above but surprisingly my heart rate was low but the uptake of oxygen was not good. I am definately feeling much better than a week ago when at that time this would have been a dizzy climb. The backside of Hope down towords Winfield was a rocky techincal trail and very steep in sections. I ran/walked most of this decsent and suspect I will do the same on race day. The rocky trail was hard for me to negotiate at a fast pace.
On Friday we climbed Mt. Sherman, my second 14'er ever. Beast, Alex and I started the climb early to avoid the clouds that were building over Mt. Massive. This is a 4.5 mile trip and you start at 10,500 and climb to 14,036. The trail is a scree field and winds around the slide of Sherman then heads straight up. Alex had a tough time at about 12,500 and we took many rest breaks. The wind picked up as we got near the first hump at about 13,000 and we had to pull out jackets, hats, and gloves. We had originally planned on hanging out at the top for about an hour enjoying lunch but the wind was so fierce we could hardly hear each other. The temperatures with the wind was super cold and I didn't want to hang out. At the very top of the mountain the winds were calm almost sureal but because the gusts were so bad Beast and I took turns climbing the jagged edge to the summit while one of us stayed with Alex. The last bit of climb was on a jagged rocky edge and I didn't feel it was safe with the winds for Alex. I did some running on the top.....just kidding, it was flat.....but I can say I ran at 14K. :). It was a really fun experience and I wish I could climb more of the surrounding mountains. There's always another time! :)

Today was the bike race and we headed out to watch them. Beast and I did the inbound section of Hope Pass and we climbed the steep side vigorously and it wasn't bad. We got to the top in 1:08 and it was easy compared to the other day. The acclimating is working! Scott said it would take about 10 days before I would start to feel better and by day 14 I can officially say I felt feel much better. The pass was awesome today, clear and beautiful with no wind. The temperatures were really nice for the bike race. When we were done my family gave us the update on the leaders and when we got home we cleaned up and all went downtown to see the finish just as the course record was being broken by 6 minutes. The leader had a two minute lead over Floyd Landis who looked like he had taken a bad fall. The bike race was pretty exciting to watch.
Monday, August 6, 2007
On the road again....Leadville!

On Sunday the whole family headed into Leadville for the breakfast at one of Beast's Cafes and to watch the start of the burro race. The burro race is awesome and if I had a burro I
would have to do this event. The runner and his/her burro travel 20 miles in the mountains with their burro in tow. The burro has to carry a certain amount of weight in the beginning and has to end with same amount of weight. The best part of the race is the stubborn burro, they sometimes just refuse to move! In addition, the runner does not ride their burro, they lead it. We watched the start and placed bets as to the finish time then headed out to see them on Mosquito Pass. We were a little late but could see the lead group followed by a couple of other stubborn burro's who's owners were desperately prodding them along. What fun! None of us have received a phone call that we guessed the finish time correctly but Beast is sure there is a message waiting for him at home. Lot's of other runners are here now. We saw Tom Pelsor from Oregon and he has been here for a little over a week and a half now.
The weather has been sort of cold and rainy, much different than Utah. The extended forecast looks better f
or race day but you never know????? Yesterday was our first run here in CO. and it was short, just a bit over an hour. Beast and I drove all around getting oriented with course. Since it's and out and back it's pretty easy to drive to all the aid stations and get acquainted with the course layout. After we did some scouting we went for a run between Halfmoon aid station and Twin Lakes. The section we did was on the Colorado Trail and passed the trail head to Mt Elbert which is the highest peak in CO. The trail was rocky and hard to navigate so I assume this part will be slow going on race day. The road sections leading up to this trail section with be faster but I plan on going easy on the rocky trail. There were lots of streams to cross but all of them you can pass without getting your feet wet. Beast and I will be climbing Mt. Elbert if we get a good weather day. I know Bill will be heading up there and maybe Mt. Massive too.
Today was my last long run with some quality workloads built in. We went from the Mayqueen aid station up and over Sugarloaf and back. We got as high as 11,200 today and I was to run in 3A and 3B with AT on the climbs. I was fine up to about 10,500 but after that I was halted by the lack of air. The outbound climb up Sugarloaf was not bad and I was able to run all of that. The decent down into the Fish Hatchery was slow for me because the road is so washed out. I saw a ton of bikers p
racticing for their ride this coming Saturday. I saw only one other runner out on this section. When I got to the bottom of Sugarloaf I just turned back around and headed back up. This climb will be much harder on race day since this will be about mile 80 and dark, I expect it to be a slow go. It's not too steep but just keeps going and going. After you reach the summit you get to go downhill on a pretty good road before you hit another rocky section of trail. I was happy with how well I could move at this point in the acclimation process and and hoping it gets better as the weeks progress. So far we are having a blast! We talked to some runners from Virginia this afternoon and they said there are 600 runners registered, it's going to be so much fun!
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